Sunday, 31 October 2010

Critical Investigation

Critical Investigation & Linked Production

Initial Ideas

** How Muslims are represented in film and gaming post 9/11 and how it has shaped the way in which society accept culture.

** How violence in games can shape the way in which teenagers act in society and whether it has made teenagers more aggressive towards real life situations.

** Sequence from gaming trailers which suggest how the imagery of violence effects teenage violence

Linked production ideas

** Documentry - Post 9/11 and how society think about a 'Scare' from cultural difference

** Short Opening squence of how teenagers have become increasingly violent due to violence in games

** magazine cover of how imagery changes the way in which cultures are represented in society

Media texts that I will be using as part of my research include;

** Four Lions
** Red Zone

** Call of Duty: Modern Warfare2
**Battlefield Bad Company2
** Medal of Honour

**Ps3 Forever (New magazine)
** Edge Magazine
**Game Zone


How Muslims are represented in film and gaming post 9/11 and how it has shaped the way in which society accept culture.

Media Language – as a documentary
Institution- mainstream, suggest through violence that it would be controversial
Genre- documentary / action based through showing violence included in Gaming and film
Representation- Suggesting both Positive and negative representation of Muslims in Film and Gaming
Audience- Teenage demographics 16-25 both sexes how their social actions can be changed through the representations and outlook on accepting culture.
Ideologies- aim to be positive and educational so that people can see how the minor actions in gaming can cause issues in society
Narrative –


Social – how violence in gaming and film has caused people to believe Muslims are all terrorists
Historical – Past suggestions of gaming such as Manhunt and Hitman in which were banned from selling due to violence and representation of culture.
Economical – How the violence In Film and gaming become more popular and how if effects purchases.
Political – post 9/11 scared and if political influence has forces society to believe the ‘Arab scares’


Hypodermic Needle Theory
Post 9/11
Giddens's theory of structuration explores social forces that shape our social reality
Issues and Debates
Gender & Ethnicity – how societies look at culture and ethnic backgrounds and relate them to violence in Film and Gaming.
Audience Theories – why the younger generation are so interested in the cultural violence and war.
Colonialism – war between different backgrounds, gangs

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